zondag 27 maart 2016

my view on refugees,

People on their way.

... there is nothing weird as people on the move, the refugees of today is not so strange, it is a phenomenon what allways happen. And then I also thing of Hanibal Barkas from the 2 th century. He was also on the move, enduring all weather and mountains.

People moved from Ireland to the USA, European moved to Canada and Australia. So nothing strange on the Syrian flight to happiness.

People dont do this because of the fun, it is needed for the society to grow. I also traveld a lot an it brought to wonderfull places. If I could I would travel again, to London, Creta. I have money enough and ID cart. But at the end I think I stay at the institute, because dreaming about helps also to learn.

zaterdag 26 maart 2016

"Romke's Wonderfull World"

My Personified version of a 'Wonderfull World'
together with my friend Herman on the guitar.

What a wonderfull world

Ik werk graag in het groen
Iets voor de dieren doen
En ik geef graag
Een meisje een zoen

En ik denk bij me zelf
What a wonderfull World

Ik Orden bij boeken
Ik orden mijn post
Mijn tekeningen
En schilder doeken

En ik denk bij me zelf
What a wonderfull World

De kleuren van de Regenboog
Die passen echt bij mij
Romke houdt zijn vaandel loog
Durf te zeggen dat hij nimmer loog

Ik hou van muziek
Mondorgen en dans
Het liefst voor publiek
En misschien ook wat sjans

En ik denk bij me zelf, What a wonderfull World
En ik denk bij me zelf, What a wonderfull World


<Free translation>
What a wonderful world

I like working in the green
Do something for the animals
And I am happy
when I give a girl a kiss

nd I think to myself
What a wonderfull World
I oranise my books
I organize my documents
my drawings and paintings
and all on canvases
And I think to myself
What a wonderfull World
The colors of the rainbow
Which really fit me
Romke holds honesty in his banner
Dare to say that he never lied
I love music
Harmocica and dance
Ideally for public
And maybe with some romance
And I think to myself, what a wonderfull World
And I think to myself, what a wonderfull World

zondag 6 maart 2016

Wonderfull person and nature

Super Mooie Muziek .....
en vrouwen :-)
Ольга Подлужная Уутай. Живое выступление с концерта
Music from Yakutistan
Olga Podluzhnaya Uutay, live performance in a concert  .....



zaterdag 5 maart 2016

Saint Joseph University, Connecticut

Dear Elisabeth and Bob
..... and the wonderfull all students of the Saint Joseph University in Hartford in Connecticut USA.
Spring is soon coming up and we hope you will visit us again, and I personal would like to show you around.  
We will make it again a great time. as we did before

All good luck and keep you in touch and mail our eadnurse
With kind warm regards of Romke !!!